Friday, November 20, 2009

So Wrong!

Speaking of things being wrong, I received a letter in the mail yesterday from the City of Fort Worth. What's wrong with that? you might ask. It wasn't just any letter from the city (our water bill comes from them), it was from the Red Light Enforcement (I almost said red light district and that IS wrong!!!! LOL!). As you might guess from that, it was indeed a TICKET! My heart was pounding as I tried to remember the last time I ran a red light....there was that time in Vegas with my ROOMMATES....oh, that's right. I don't INTENTIONALLY run them! I opened the letter and gasped (because they print pictures of your vehicle, the intersection, your plates on the ticket). There it was.....8th Avenue and Elizabeth street and there was no mistaking the SATURN running that red light. Now, you might wonder, don't I drive the Santa Fe? The answer is YES! It was actually DALLIN that ran the light, but I got the ticket because the car is in my name. How wrong is that?! So not fair! And on the upside, so glad it wasn't me!


Shemri and Gang said...

Those picture tickets are crazy I've had one myself. My picture not very flattering made me wonder if thats what I always look like when I drive around town! Ugh!