Monday, October 23, 2023

Above all else...

 As my kids have grown, I have seen them become distant from the teachings of the church. They do not have the desire to attend church meetings or participate in seminary. I can barely get them to go to mutual every week. Does this bother me? Sort of and let me explain why. First, I believe in the grand scheme of things that their admittance to the celestial kingdom is not based on whether or not they went to seminary or attended church meetings every week. I firmly believe that Heavenly Father knows our hearts and understands where we are spiritually at any given point in our lives. Second, if my kids go to church but don't want to go to class, I am one hundred percent okay with them hanging out with me in primary. Even if all they do is sit and listen to singing time, they are still able to feel the spirit and grow their own testimony. I really just like having my kids with me. Lastly, church can be great, but in the end the most important thing they can learn while there is that they are loved. I want them to know, above all else, that our Heavenly Father loves them. This is what I want them to have a testimony of.